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About Water Connectors

Everyone knows that people depend on water for drinking, cooking, washing, making waste, and other domestic needs. The water supply system must also meet the requirements for public, commercial and industrial activities. In all cases, water must meet quality and quantity requirements.

The channel is built from cuts, bricks, debris, or coarse concrete. Water Connectorsหมวดหมู่สินค้า-1887-1-nipple-pipe-nipple.html  are usually made of drilling stones or perforated wood, even though clay and tin pipes are also used. During the Middle Ages, there was no important progress in the method or material used to send and distribute water.

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In fact, water treatment is a change in water sources to achieve the quality that meets the specified objectives. This treatment helps public drinking water to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms, or the cause of disease, microorganisms begin at that time. Treatment methods include sand filtration and the use of chlorine for disinfection.

After this treatment, water is distributed to homes and businesses in large pipes called water parents which are usually buried under our roads and sidewalks. Water pumps and electricity facilities are managed by the city and are paid at water rates.