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Advice on How to Clean Furniture

Proper care of your furniture and upholstery is important if you want them to look like new for a long time. All that is really needed for maintenance is a good vacuum cleaner or just wiping it with a clean cloth. However, spills, stains, and accidents do occur occasionally. Here’s what you can do to keep your furniture looking its best. So you can simply contact a cleaning company like Prestige Carpet Cleaning to get carpet cleaning services.

Prevention is the best when it comes to keeping your furniture clean. Do not allow children to carry food or drink in a position where it may spill. Also, don’t leave pets in or in a place where they can scratch furniture.The sooner you get to the stain/smudge, the better your chances of getting it removed completely.

As soon as you find out that the accident happened, the first thing you need to do is get a clean, white, and damp cloth. Go back to the stain and clean up the spill. Whatever you do, don’t rub. It takes all your willpower not to rub as it feels like this should be the best way to really get it out.

Oil stains are much more difficult to remove from the furniture but require the same method. Greasy foods such as melted butter, sauces, or oils should be washed with soap and warm water to absorb the fat. Apply with a white cloth. Paper towels work well as long as they are white and not stained.

Other stains such as makeup, ink, or paint may require a more thorough approach. Try alcohol or vinegar and water. Be careful not to use chemicals that will stain or fade your furniture. Other stains may need to be soaked in warm water before being removed and removed using an absorbent method.

Hope this article helped you give the right advice on what to do if you have a stain or spill and need to clean your furniture. Just don’t forget about timing and absorption, not friction and you won’t have any problems.