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All About Invisalign Treatment

Did you know that you can get your dream smile with Invisalign? You can make your smile better without those visible metallic braces on the exterior of your teeth.

Invisalign is a string of clear aligner trays similar to bleaching trays that can move your teeth to your desired position. Your treatment depends on how much your teeth have to be moved. The normal treatment period is approximate 12 weeks. Invisalign aligners must be worn 20-22 hours every day for optimal results. If you want to know more about Invisalign, then you can search the web.


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In the event the aligners are worn out less than 16 hours every day, you won’t get the outcomes you’re hoping for and possibly Invisalign is not best for you.

Every time a new aligner is put into your mouth, then you’ll feel pressure in some specific locations. After a couple of days, this strain will vanish along the aligners will feel as though they fit just perfectly. It is tempting to wish to switch to another aligner when this happens, but the exact same aligner should be kept on for a minimum of two weeks. This permits the gum and bone tissue to accommodate the tooth position. This adaptation should happen after you switch to a different aligner.

With Invisalign, a pair of impressions is required before beginning the treatment The collection of aligners is sent to an Invisalign supplier, and you’re provided a collection of aligners at every visit. It’s necessary for the Invisalign provider to track the progress in particular phases.