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Are Prescription VR Lenses Worth To Get?

If like us, you're frustrated with fighting your VR headset when you're ready for a gaming session or have any discomfort caused by smudges on your glasses, steaming up, or the extra pressure on your head caused by the spectacle arms being squashed by the headset, then these lenses are worth the upgrade.

These upgraded lenses and glasses can make a much more enjoyable gaming experience for everyone who likes to play virtual reality games. PSVR prescription lenses are one of the best lenses to opt for your headsets.


There are many companies available that provide the best prescription lenses online for different headsets. Buying VR prescription lenses is totally worth it for your headsets because these lenses can protect your eyes properly.

Since it's just an adapter and very easy to install, you don't have to worry about sharing your headset with family or friends. You can easily remove the corrective lens adapter if necessary and replace it again when you need it. The handy carry/storage bag and cleaning cloth also make storage and cleaning easy.

We think this prescription lens adapter is a useful upgrade to your VR headsets. They protect standard glasses from scratches from your glasses and offer a much more comfortable gaming experience every time.