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Car Gadgets for New Generation

We've all been there, we're on vacation and we don't like driving for 6 hours with kids. Entertaining children can be a challenge when there is something to be done, but on a long journey, it can be an absolute nightmare. I shook the net and found some of the best tesla gadgets to keep young children happy in a car.

20 Of The Best Car Accessories You Can Get On Amazon In 2018

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First, we have something you can't do without a family car. Car solutions for DVDs have become very popular in recent years, so automakers are now offering these as standard kits in high-end models. 

Not everyone is at the top of the vehicle lineup, and now the company has developed a great after-sales product to emulate standard options. The new generation of DVD backsplashes offer a wide range of functions, including games, playing movies in most file formats, and even connecting to external sources such as iPod and Playstation. 

Music can really lift the mood and sing along to your favorite tunes. Products like the Gateway Dension series or cube sets are some of the best on the market and allow you to connect the latest iPod to your car and play your entire music library. 

So you have your favorite music, but the kids are still not happy. This is where the power converter can really be a blessing in disguise. The product in itself will not please children because of what you can do with it. With a good quality converter, you can power a laptop, game console or almost any electrical device.