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Gum Disease Treatment – The Earlier The Better

Treating gum disease early can prevent permanent gum damage. Damage to the gums can lead to infection and tooth loss. Treating gum caries is very important and you should visit your dentist regularly. It is also important that you brush and floss at least twice a day. It is highly recommended that you stop using all types of tobacco, as tobacco use can further infect the gums and reduce their disease-fighting ability.

If you are being treated for a mild gum disease known as gingivitis, you can use an antiseptic mouthwash as part of your treatment. Flossing and brushing your teeth is very important for fighting periodontal disease.

Lapip and LANAP gum treatment with the help of laser is your solution to get relieved of the impacts of gum disease. Spoiled gums are habitually difficult to improve once gum infection has invaded the area. Many years ago stitches were applied to repair gums and bone tissue. Luckily, Lapip and Lanap offers faster results and saves healthier gums and bone tissue.

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Scaling and root planning are other options used to treat this disease. This is done to remove plaque and tartar from your mouth. Antitoxins have the ability to hinder bacterial infections and thus prevent tooth decay. 

Surgery is sometimes required as part of the treatment of periodontal disease. Surgery is needed if normal treatments can't control the infection, or if people with gum disease have damaged their gums and teeth. Extraction, a surgical procedure to remove a damaged tooth from the mouth. Gingivectomy discharges and reshapes the injured gum tissue so that plaque no longer forms between the tooth and gum.