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How To Choose A Golf School In US?

When researching and choosing the best golf school for you there are questions that we recommend asking your prospective golf pro and trainer, prior to selecting them. Below you will find a list of some questions to ask to get the best golf school.

1. Do Your Golf Instructors Work Full Time For Your Company?

That's the first question you need to ask yourself because more than 50% of golf schools don't have full-time teachers. They use part-time subcontractors when needed. This way, even though they may tell you that their teacher works full time for their golf school, the quality of the teacher you get will be very inconsistent.

There are many best golf schools for beginners and seniors are available in US.

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2. Do you teach predefined swings or “one size fits all”?

Most golf instructors won't realize it, but they only teach one type of golf swing. This way, everyone the instructor teaches learns the same golf swing, regardless of your skill level, the amount of practice time you have, and/or your physical abilities. The golf swing you learn shouldn't be limited to the golf swing your instructor teaches.

3. Who exactly is my coach and what are his or her powers?

Yes, it is important to be a PGA member. However, there are 26,000 PGA professionals, and to say that every PGA professional is a good instructor like any other PGA professional is simply not true.

One way to gauge the quality of a golf teacher or school is to find out how many golfers you work with each year, as this is directly influenced by recommendations from golfers who have improved.

4. Will I have the same teacher all the time?

Switching from instructor to instructor is like calling a telephone company and being transferred from one agency to another. You spend more time repeating your story than solving your problem. The same goes for the change from coach to coach.