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How to manage a plantar plate tear?

There is a odd discomfort that could occur beneath the forefoot which is often referred to as a sense that a sock is bunched up beneath the toes, but when you looked at it, it is good. The feeling is commonly explained and is frequently baffling. Most likely the feeling is a result of a problem with a ligament on the bottom of one or more of the metatarsophalangeal (toe) joints of the foot termed plantar plate dysfunction. Around every joint, there's a strong covering known as the joint capsule. Areas of each joint capsule are thicker and these are the ligaments that secure and stabilise the joints. Underneath the bottom of the metatarsophalangeal joints, that joint capsule is thicker to make what is called the plantar plate. You possibly can strain or perhaps get a small tear in that plantar plate, which in turn produces that experience of a sock which feels as though its bunched up under the toes.

Pain usually begins gradually under the ball of the foot and may be preceded by that peculiar scrunched sock sense. The common manifestation of plantar plate dysfunction is discomfort on palpation of the region of the plantar plate. An experienced clinician will be able to slowly move the joint in a way to identify if the plantar plate is impaired. A conclusive diagnosis may be done using a diagnostic ultrasound, but it can be pretty evident to a skilled clinician on assessment. Usually the primary treatment solutions are strapping to hold the toe directed downwards to ease the pressure on the ligament. A metatarsal pad is also commonly used to help in reducing the stress on the . This usually improves most all cases of plantar plate dysfunction and get rid of that bizarre experience of a bunched up sock under the ball of the foot. When those conservative treatments really don't help, surgical repair of a partial or complete rip of the ligament is normally carried out.