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Minimize Wrinkles – Anti Wrinkle Treatments That Really Work

It seems that every time you look around, there's a new product out there that promises to help minimize wrinkles. I'm sure you've seen commercials where goddesses flaunt big-name cosmetics on the big screen.

I've found that there are several different methods that actually work to minimize wrinkles. This article looks at three of them and the pros of each. You can also browse online to get information about the best anti wrinkle treatments in Winnipeg.

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1) Dermabrasion

Dermabrasion is the first of the proven anti-wrinkle treatments. You may be used to it. In this procedure, a plastic surgeon grinds the outer layer of the skin with a rotating brush. This grinding process removes fine lines and wrinkles on the surface and over time the skin regenerates and looks smooth and toned again.

2) Chemical peels

Chemical peels are another procedure that can be used to minimize wrinkles. The plastic surgeon will apply acid – usually glycolic acid – to the area you want to treat. The acid burns the affected layers of the skin. New, smooth skin grows over time.

3) Proven anti-aging skin products.

A good quality anti aging product is the most natural and affordable anti wrinkle treatment. A good cream contains ingredients that have been shown to help your body naturally regenerate new collagen tissue, thereby drastically reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and age spots. The work may take a little longer, but the results are long lasting.