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Peril and Promise of Sexual Harassment Training Programs

Does the company’s sexual harassment program reduce harassment? Those that do, should boost the share of women in management, because harassment causes women to quit. Sexual harassment complaints procedures incite retaliation, according to surveys, and  analysis shows that they are followed by reductions in female managers.

Sexual harassment training for managers, which treats the manager as a victim allied and gives them a tool to intervene, followed by increasing women’s managers. Training for employees, which treats participants as suspects, can backfire. Instead companies should opt for a certified anti-harassment online training for state employees ensuring each employee go through the training the same way and made aware of what actually is considered as an assault and how to prevent it.

The program works better at work with more women managers, which is less likely than men to respond negatively to harassment and training. Entrepreneurs must choose managers – men and women – committed to eradicating abuse. Two decades ago, the Supreme Court of Vetted Workplace Harassment Program that was popular at the time.

However, harassment at work was publicly remained.  The program effect has been difficult to measure, but, because women frequently quit their jobs after being harassed, programs that reduce harassment should help firms retain current and aspiring women managers.