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Selecting The Best Camping Tent Poles

Every family camping trip requires planning. One of the most important things to consider is the family tent poles. Whether you are an experienced camper or go out with your family for the first time, a camping tent stick is essential to ensure a memorable vacation experience. 

Tent Poles

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When looking to buy a camping tent, look for a model with a good pole. You can choose between fiberglass or aluminum poles. Let's discuss the main differences between the two types:

1. Fiberglass has a higher tendency to break and is much more difficult to repair immediately than aluminum, which can easily mix with the wind.

2. In strong winds, aluminum is better than fiberglass. The larger diameter aluminum rods are basically perfect for withstanding the higher wind conditions.

3. After the fiberglass rods break, they become unusable, but if the aluminum rods break, they can still be strained to serve their purpose. Today tentmakers are able to build tent poles not only for holiday purposes but also for game hunters, naturalists, and scouts around the world. 

With the increasing number of refugees due to domestic violence and natural disasters, you can find refugees temporarily detained in a large warehouse with aluminum poles. 

Before buying, it is advisable not only to browse online but also to buy several magazines. There you can take a close look at various models and compare their prices. To save money, look for a shop that sells tents at a discount.