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Introduction to Gap Analysis

Gap Analysis is a process to identify where gaps and what differences exist between a business or project's current situation and what to be in place. Through gap analysis company seeks to modify its current situation to reach the desired situation. The results of the gap analysis indicate the critical areas where companies should take action to narrow the gaps and offer an objective and detailed glimpse at the direction and size of gaps 

among involved constituents. Know more about gap analysis and project management in automotive industry (also known as projektmanagement automobilindustrie in the German language) by visiting top gap analysis service providing companies.

Gap analysis contributes to devising the company implementation plan and improving its effectiveness in many different areas of the company. These can include a management system such as resource planning, market projection, and information technology. Gap Analysis has been applied in many different fields. Accordingly, there are various approaches to gap analysis in the extant literature on marketing, and management, brand management, issues management, and communication fields where core differences rest with the kind of gaps of the interest. 

Apparently, all kinds of gaps are indicators of failures to achieve company objectives or goals. Indeed those gaps say what the company proposes or delivers through its behavior does not square with the expectations of market audiences or the public.