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What Is The Importance Of CFD Flow Simulation?

CFD(Computational fluid dynamics) is a set of computer simulation techniques used to derive and interpret computer solutions to the conservation equations of interesting physical quantities inflow, namely: Mass preservation, Conservation of momentum, and energy.

CFD consulting agencies solve various analyses related to challenges faced by industries during product development. This simulation technique predicts physical and/or chemical phenomena that occur in rivers. They simulate physical phenomena in a differential equation approach. This difference relates to errors or residuals.

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And what does CFD mean?

In CFD it is possible to model and evaluate fluid flow performance in our research model. The application of CFD simulation offers several advantages over theoretical and experimental research:

1. Low acquisition and operating costs.

2. Detailed information about the flow of the fluid being examined.

3. Allows rapid change of parameters in flow analysis.

Allows simulation of flow in detailed and complex geometries as well as the study of phenomena not possible in experimental models (eg explosions).

Generator geometry of our problem under study, Mesh generator, Pre-processor, Processor that obtains the solution, Post-processor.

To be able to analyze any problem in CFD, we need to build our domain (geometry) and divide it into small subdomains (designated by control volumes or elements). This process is called a mesh generator (Mesh or Grid).