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The Best Digestive Supplements For Men

Improves the entire digestive process / probiotics have effects that are known to improve digestion. Stress, unhealthy diet, smoking, and antibiotic treatment cause an imbalance in the intestinal flora.

It has serious health effects and causes: recurrent infections, indigestion (diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting), unexplained fatigue and depression. What is the solution? Management of dietary supplements based on probiotics, prebiotics and vitamin C, formulas that work synergistically and restore health. You can also buy best zinc and vitamin c supplement via

In the elderly, probiotics can be an ally against slow gut transit. We know that bowel movements tend to be lazy with age and transit disorders are common. In this case, probiotics, especially bifidobacteria, act in the large intestine and accelerate the slow transit. Here are some basic rules for choosing an effective and efficient probiotic:

Probiotics and prebiotics can be given together in symbiotic supplement form. To ensure that you are choosing an effective probiotic product, you need to follow these guidelines:

-Choose products that contain enough probiotics to be effective. For example, probiotics have been shown by the Rosell Institute to be administered daily at a concentration of 3 billion live bacteria, lyophilized / 100 mg.

– Make sure the bacteria it contains are stored in a safe place and stay alive. The freeze-drying process gives them the ability of the probiotics to last longer and have higher shelf-life. The Rosell Institute has developed a variety of technologies to increase the shelf life of its probiotic strains by 18 to 24 months.

– To protect against your seasonal infections, you must take probiotics and prebiotics for a month. A bag of probiotics and prebiotics taken every morning before breakfast is a real protection against viral diseases, otitis, or gastrointestinal infections.

Now that we are more familiar with the effects of probiotics on the human body in adults, it is time to dig deeper into probiotic supplements made especially for older people 50 years and over.