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Excavator Attachments That Increase The Versatility Of This Machine

A really interesting fact about excavators is that you can actually make this machine as flexible as a Swiss Army knife with its attachments. 

1 – Circuit breaker

This product can be precisely assembled with excavators and telescopic handles and can be used in a variety of ways once mounted to the base body. Some of the uses are 

– Internal disassembly

– Demolition of high rise buildings

– Root repair project

– Precision Demolition Project

2 – A bunch of hammers

This particular product is ideally only used with komatsu excavator parts for trading. Like circuit breakers, these products can be used for a variety of tasks. Some of them are –

– Driving a pile of sheet metal to the ground

– Pull the pile of sheets off the ground.

3 – Stack

This machine is also one of the attachments for excavators and is mainly used for cutting concrete piles. In recent years, this accessory has become the fastest and safest technology for cutting or concrete posts from their foundations. The jaws of this engine can be used with the help of hydraulic controls in the driver's cab.

4 – Achieve destruction

Another very useful spare part that is used as an attachment for excavators is called the "Demolition Grab". It can be used for various purposes such as:

– Sorting and loading of heavy/large materials.

– Lifting stones.

– Light demolition work

5 – Plate gasket

In addition, this product is designed to be used with excavators only and when combined with this machine, enables a variety of soil compaction tasks including soil, gravel, sand and crushed stone.