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The VA Home Loan Program For Military Veterans

The federal government provides many facilities to the people who serve their nation. One of those benefits is the VA home loan program. The VA mortgage loan is advantageous in two ways. Firstly for owning a new home and secondly for refinancing a current one. Moreover it is offered to all the honorable discharged veterans and active duty military. 

va home loan program

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) doesn't actually lend the money , they guarantee or assure the funds which are lent to you by a VA approved financial institution. You can also get more information on home loan programs or VA loan eligibility via online resources. 

VA home loan provides several benefits over a traditional home loan. Probably one of the most significant benefits is that VA loans do not require any down payment. When you use a number of traditional no of down payment mortgage apps available on the marketplace, you have to pay for a higher interest rate for the privilege, but this is not in the case of VA loans.  

You have to pay the exact market rate if you are making a 10% downpayment or $0 down-payment. In addition, you will realize that in many situations the VA rate of interest if compared is lesser than conventional loan prices. Yet another enormous benefit of the VA home loan program includes the loan closing price. 

While VA doesn't need the veteran to produce a downpayment, they can continue to pay loan closing costs as with almost any home loan program that the borrower incurs. Closing costs usually moderate 3-5% of their amount of the loan. VA, however, makes it possible for the seller to pay all your loan closing costs upto 6% of their loan amount. So with a VA mortgage loan it is likely for a veteran to purchase a home without any down payment and without covering closure cost.