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Types of Chest Tube Drainage Systems

The chest tube drainage system is a type of instrument that is used to remove air and fluids from the interior of the lung in order to re-establish normal conditions. The most common use for this drainage system is during surgery. 

There are two main types of chest tube drainage systems: closed and open. Closed chest tube drainage systems are also known as thoracic drains. They are placed under the skin and connected to a suction device. This type of system is used to remove air or fluid from the space around the lungs. Open chest tube drainage systems are placed directly into the chest cavity through a small incision. They are used to remove air, fluid, or blood from the pleural space.

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The closed chest tube drainage system is a medical device that is used to remove fluids from the chest cavity. It consists of a drainage tube that is inserted into the chest cavity through a small incision and a suction device that is attached to the tube. The suction device creates negative pressure, which pulls the fluids out of the chest cavity and into the drainage tube. The fluids are then collected in a container that is attached to the suction device.

A closed chest tube drainage system is a life-saving tool that is used in chest tube surgery. This system helps to remove excess fluid from the chest cavity and prevents the build-up of fluids in the lungs. The closed chest tube drainage system also allows for the removal of air from the chest cavity, which prevents the development of pneumothorax (a condition where air leaks into the chest cavity and puts pressure on the lungs). This system is an essential part of chest tube surgery and is responsible for saving many lives each year.