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Types of Specimen Are Stored in a Biobank

A biobank is a type of bank that stores biological materials such as animals, plants, and humans. It can also be used to distribute them. Here, biological materials are analyzed and researched in a systematic manner. It's a place to gain scientific knowledge.

To obtain genetic information about a person's medical history and lifestyle, blood, DNA, and other bodily substances such as tissue samples are taken from many people. To see where the problem originated, the record is kept in a bio bank. Biobank stores both the data and the samples.

Biobanks can house a variety of specimens, including surgical and transplant tissue, tumour tissue, cancer tissue, stem cell bank, cord blood, or blood bank with dried blood spots, blood banks having dried blood spots and body fluids (synovial and urine), DNA and RNA bank, as well as cornea bank.

Biobank samples can have different purposes and types. They can be used to treat different illnesses, such as cancer and tumor bank. They are used in clinical trials and public health surveys. After obtaining ethical permission, sampling and data entry are made.

These specimens can be used to investigate various disorders. A tissue specimen is taken from certain DNA databases to allow for the investigation of the entire mechanism of a disease. Then, the drug development and the effects of that drug are possible.

These banks hold different types of tissue so that any disease can be analyzed with all its complexity and treated using modern technology. There are two types: surgical tissue and transplant tissue. These banks offer anonymity to genetic donors, meaning that they receive a code number rather than personal information.

These biobanks are well-known for their transfusions. The "blood bank" is a collection of blood from donors and volunteers for various surgical inventions or transplantation.