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Ways to Increase the Effectiveness of Infection Control

While infection control will help control the potentially dangerous consequences of spreading the disease. You can follow more points via which can help in making such control more effective.

Monitor the source: Knowing the source of the infection is very important. You should monitor all new admissions to a health facility while monitoring existing patients to see if the infection was present before entry and actually originated in the community, or if it originated in the facility and has spread.

List of infections: considering the number of patients and diseases treated, it is recommended to follow up each infection from start to finish. You must document all patients along with factors such as the pathogen causing the infection, treatment received, upgrade, and susceptibility reports. 

Model identification: the available data may exclude certain models that help you identify the source of the infection. For example, a number of patients on the same ward with an infection may have certain signs and sensitivities that are similar which could indicate a possible source of infection. 

Education: The information in the data can be used to train staff and even educate patients on how to control infection through certain basic hygiene or some precautions.

Infection control should be a top priority in all healthcare facilities, as ineffective management leads to increased sick time, not to mention several cost factors.