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What can be done about chilblains on the feet?

Chilblains are uncomfortable skin lesions that typically appear on the toes in cooler environments. They are not resulting from what is generally considered as poor circulation however are due to a inadequate reaction of the blood circulation to changes in temperature in cooler parts of the world. Those who are healthy with excellent blood flow still get chilblains and the reason for them isn't totally clear. They start out originally as small red patches on the toes which may be itchy. They later on take on a dark blue colour as waste products accumulate in the skin. The simplest way to manage chilblains will be to not get them by avoiding them. This is done by keeping the foot warm instead of allowing it to get cold. When the foot should become cool, then it's very important that it is warmed up gradually. A too rapid warming up by, for example, placing the cold foot in front of a heat source is commonly thought to be just what creates a chilblain. When a chilblain develops, different ointments can be used to assist the blood circulation and also encourage the removal of the waste materials. It is crucial that the chilblain is protected against the shoe pressure with bandages of some type.

There are number of unknowns about chilblains that medical research has not yet uncovered. One of these is that you will find quite a significant group of people who once had them and then one winter they simply stopped being a problem and have not occurred again. When you probe and ask them what changed the year that the chilblains did not occur, you typically will discover absolutely nothing. There wasn't any alteration of their health status or diet regime or anything that could be discovered. Certainly, should the reason for this might be determined then that has the potential to open up an important method for dealing with individuals with active chilblains. If you want to know if you have chilblains, then see a podiatrist for advice.