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What Do You Need To Know About French Cuff Shirts?

French cuff shirts are a popular trend that has been on the run for some time. In this article, you will learn all about the different types of French cuff shirts, what they can be worn with and how to style them to look chic – whether you're wearing them casually or more formally.

French cuff shirts are a type of dress shirt that have cuffs with a button or flap at the end. The cuffs are typically higher than standard dress shirt cuffs, giving the shirt a more formal look. French cuff shirts can be made from a variety of materials, including cotton, linen, and wool. They are most commonly seen in suits, but can also be worn with casual attire.

The Different Styles

When it comes to French cuff shirts, there are a few different styles you can choose from. The first is the classic French cuff shirt, which is usually a dress shirt that has its sleeves rolled up to the elbows. This style is typically worn with a tie and can be formal or more casual depending on the situation. 

The second style is the French cuffed shirt, which is a less formal version of the classic French cuff shirt. This style doesn't have its sleeves rolled up, and instead has them folded over one another at the elbow. This style can be worn more casually and is often seen worn with jeans or khakis. 

The last style is the French cuffed shirt with a twist. This style has its sleeves rolled up to the elbows, but also has a peek-a-boo hole in the middle of the cuffs so that you can see some of your skin. This style can be more formal or more casual, depending on how you wear it.