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What is a Coding Assessment?

A coding assessment is a type of performance assessment that tests an individual's understanding of the basics of computer programming. A coding assessment can be conducted online, and typically uses a programming language to assess an individual's proficiency.

There are two types of coding assessments: computer-based and paper-based. A web developer test typically requires the use of a computer to test an individual's programming knowledge.

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A paper-based assessment uses printed or written material that can be completed independently or by teamwork; these assessments typically are not available online, but rather require a person to complete this type of assessment in person at a testing center.

Coding assessments use programming languages to test an individual's proficiency in a specific area or skill. They tend to be timed events; for example, a coding assessment may require the completion of a certain amount of code within a given time frame.

Coding assessments are typically used by companies and organizations that require high-level professionals in coding, such as programmers and software developers.

The term "coding" is used broadly to describe the process of creating computer programs but generally refers to the development of programs using any one of several languages. For example, there are many programming languages including C++, Java, Python, and JavaScript. Commonly known programming languages include Java, C++, and PHP/Perl/Python.