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What is cold plasma sterilization?

With the spread of infectious diseases and the need for medical tools to be sterilized, it's important to understand the available different sterilization methods. In this article, we'll discuss what cold plasma sterilization is and how it works, so you can make an informed decision about which option is best for your needs.

What is cold plasma?

Cold plasma is a gas that has been ionized by an electrical discharge. The ions are held together in the gas by electrostatic forces and can conduct electricity. Cold plasma can be used for sterilization because it can break down the cell walls of bacteria and viruses. You can also have a look at this site for a detailed guide on the same.

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How does cold plasma work?

Plasma is a state of matter that consists of electrons and ions. A cold plasma is a plasma where the temperature of the electrons is much lower than the ion temperature. In other words, the thermal energy of the electrons is much lower than the Coulombic energy between the charges.

There are a few different ways that cold plasma can be generated. 

  • One common method is to use an electrical discharge in a gas such as argon or nitrogen. 
  • Another method is to use ultraviolet light to excite atoms or molecules in a gas, which then emit photons that create plasma.

Pros of cold plasma sterilization

-Sterilize without damaging heat-sensitive materials

-Can be used to sterilize hard-to-reach areas

-May eliminate the need for preservatives

Cold plasma is effective at sterilizing surfaces and medical instruments. It has also been used for food preservation and decontamination, as well as water treatment.